Join Fran Lewis for a very special end of the year show on December 18 at 4PM EST 3PM CST 2PM MT 1PM PST. Fran has a plan for a very different kind of show and it's going to be a lot of fun. IT'S THE MYSTERY OF WRITING.
Fran will be discussing marketing, reviewing, blogging and writing with her guests.They will also be discussing how to develop interesting characters, how to plot and anything and everything that makes a good story better, including how to do blurbs that attract readers. The show is live and then on demand.
Fran's guest are Karen Vaughan,CJ West,Michael Tabman,Mark Bouton,Karina Gioretz,Delldani Oakes,John Betcher,Kenneth Weene, David Darracott, and Marsha Cook.
Bethany Cross, Author, will be opening up the chat room.
Like most women over the years I have had a string of the usual Christmas cars, houses, diamonds and such.
So I thought this year I would think outside of the box and actually add a few things to my wish list that women usually don't get. Of course this is what Santa would look like slidding down the chimney!
Now tell me this wouldn't be sweet...
And it wouldn't hurt none if he looked a lot like this, huh?
I'm not sure how much of that dinner would actually be eaten, but wow what an offer:)
And how about a few love letters???
Especially if he hand delivered them.
And since I don't want to be too greedy, I'll end my list with just one more thing...I would like a list of all the bad boys that made Santa's naughty list this year:)